Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Boundaries in Dating AKA Hey Now, You're an Allstar, Get Your Game On, Go...Play!

Ok, So I have decided that I can definitely hang out with people I used to date. The attraction factor only factors in if you are still interested in them. Even then, the attraction factor has to work both ways. A fellow I dated in the past tried to add me to facebook. Ick. I clicked on "ignore" but he tried again. Now I don't "ignore" or "accept" in order to make it that he is unable to keep inviting me. Kinda of a metaphor for relationships (I like metaphors-I probably overuse them, but it's fun, go with it). If a guy asks you to do something, you can ignore and he won't ask. That is the wussy way out though.

The original question was, can a male and a female be friends, but I think a better question is, should a male and female take their friendship to another level? I sometimes feel like, ok, I like this guy. He likes me. Therefore, we can be married and have kids. What? I jumped to a conclusion, didn't I? I admit, this is a sign of the immaturity of the Disney Princess deep inside me. I think we all have one. I have come to the conclusion that I want to push things to the nth degree, whether it's boys, work, family, whatever. My dad says I fall in love with people's potentials (he also begged me to stop bringing losers home). Thing is, there has to be a friendship there first. For me, anyways.

Here's the scoop on how this all relates: There is this guy who likes me. I like him. We are attracted to each other. Disney Princess mask taken off. I am enjoying friendship. NOT pushing it to the next level. Or maybe the Disney Princess is present and is being a princess and letting the guy do what he should do. K honestly, I don't know how the Disney Princess factors in. There is this app in facebook called "Disney gave me unrealisitc expectations about love" and sometimes it comes to mind. Whatev. I am just me. Made of of layers like an onion, which reminds me of a another Disney character.

1 comment:

  1. Can I pick a Disney character?! I wanna be Belle?! Which princess do you pick?!
