Today was absolutely hilarious. Sometimes things can not make any sense to the point where you just have to laugh and keep doing your job. I couldn't stop laughing today at all the preposterous plans put forward during the most frustrating meeting I have ever attended. I wrote them down during my break because I couldn't wrap my head around some of them:
-Let's have a wine and cheese at someone's house to increase sales and that person will provide the wine and cheese (1. wouldn't it be cheaper to just purchase the product? and 2. how about we get a liquor license first, since we are becoming a pub?)
-For the customers that got a gift with their purchase, lets give them another gift of the exact same thing if they buy more since we have a few left (cause everyone needs two or three free samples of Shimmer Pink lipstick)
-Let's put all our customers in one room and talk to them about skin care, give them all samples to take home and let them come back another day to purchase the product, without being able to actually purchase the product that day.
-Let's interview some customers and get their opinion of products, publish it in a newsletter and hand it out to people.
-Let's invite people in one at a time and charge $40 per person for us to talk to them about skin care (redeemable in product). Huh? Isn't that our job anyways? I thought that was free?
There is more, but these are just the ones that stuck out in my mind. I give them kudos for trying, really. But I miss my old supervisor.
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