Saturday, April 25, 2009


I love shrink wrap. We created these boxes that we covered with shrink wrap and I got to tighten them with the heat gun. Satisfaction on this task on a scale of 1-10? 9. It is almost the most fun thing to do at work. Yesterday, before I walked off my job, I put 7 layers of shrink wrap on a package. It is a thing of beauty! You can't even tell there are 7 layers. I started with the first layer, which snapped because I got it too hot. So I started again. The plastic was pulled taut (love this word by the way, it's sounds like taught, without the g and h but it means tight - taut) and the only way you could tell that there was even plastic wrap on it was to see the outline. I was a little worried it would snap, so I added another layer. That was also TAUT (hee hee). So I got the idea to add yet another layer. I kept going. I wanted to see how many layers you could really add before you could tell there was more than one layer. Turns out you can just keep layering them and they mesh together. But you have to keep an eye out for sneaky customers that lurk. I kept an eye out for co-workers and managers and helped anyone that came to the counter. And when I went to put another layer on, I would take the package into my cubicle, wrap it and bring it back to the counter where the heat gun is to make it TAUT again. Turns out, this lady also was very enthralled by the shrinking of the plastic and was off lurking in the clothing stands watching me tighten the package. She came up and asked if she could tighten. I told her no, it is just a package I am making for our counter, but we are taking resumes at this time (yes, I will hire any crazy person since I am leaving and they will have to work with the one woman wrecking show crazy lady on my counter and wouldn't it be fun if they matched?) Then she says...."I see you are putting layers and layers on this package. Is that part of the program or are you just enjoying it a little too much?" Touche. I let her hold the gun for a short time. Then I took it away, put the gun in the drawer and the package on the counter. I later saw her stroking the package. Weirdo. Lol. Thank God it was my last day!

1 comment:

  1. Way tooo funny. I can toally see you doing that. By the way I agree TAUT is a fun word!
