Thursday, February 4, 2010

Woman in Chains

I love Tears for Fears. They are awesome. Going through my head all day. It's a world gone crazy that keeps a woman in chains.

I am reading a book right now called Mean Girls. By Hayley Dimarco.


I am a mean girl.

I don't mean to be. This week has been interesting. Last Wednesday, I spoke at Crave. I was a bit nervous when I started, but it got better and my voice got smoother. I talked about baptism and the purpose of life and prayer and Jesus. All that good stuff. People told me I did well, but I didn't plan on speaking on anything that I had actually said. I had notes, and I didn't take them with me on purpose. But then my talk changed. I have received several emails from girls from Crave asking for prayer. I am amazed. And of course, praying for them. It's wonderful. But I noticed mean girls at a function last night. And I didn't like what they were doing. So I was indirectly mean to them. Who's the mean girl here? In the book, Hayley (we are now on a first name basis) points out that these people don't INTEND to be mean, but may just be inconsiderate or selfish. They don't set out to hurt others; they just don't even think about it. I definitely didn't set out to hurt others, but I withheld love from girls that needed it. I knew they needed it and I knew I had love to give, and I didn't give it. Maybe not sooooo mean, but this book has opened my eyes a bit. This seems funny to me because I didn't consider myself a "mean girl." Anyways, this is probably the start of a mean girls series of blogs on Alluring Breath. Brace yourself.

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